Fitness & Equipment Guides > Why You Need to Plan Your Workout Routine

Why You Need to Plan Your Workout Routine

19th Jul 19

Making sure you plan your workout is not a new thing. Most people do it, or to some extent at least, but doing it the right way is what gets you the real benefits. You might know what you’re going to do as you walk into the gym, but do you know why? What you’re going to do tomorrow? Next week? Next month? The best way to progress is to have a strong plan, but don’t worry; we’re here to help you make one.

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Forward-thinking enables you to realise what you really want to achieve and how to go about getting there. What better way to really clear the path and actualise these goals? You walk into wherever you’re training, knowing exactly what you’re there to do. That’s valuable in itself.

It’s great for keeping you motivated too. You can make the changes that you want to make to your workouts so that you know exactly where you need to focus your strengths and see the progress you want. That’s a big driving force of what keeps you sticking to your plan and being healthy outside of it too.

Goals To Plan Workouts Around

someone using a phone with workout equipment behind

With a realistic and achievable goal, you can really figure out where you need to be and how to get there as efficiently as possible. We figure out what it is that does and doesn’t work and, overall how we can get the best results as fast as possible.

That way, we don’t waste any time trying to grow in the wrong direction, which is sadly a common occurrence in some cases. Short and long-term goals are the best way to go about this, and you really need both to keep on pushing yourself as much as you can.


table of weights, notebooks, fruit and headphones

Planning workouts also means we can prepare too. One of the best ways to do it? Learning about what you’re doing and why or why not to. Learning from resources either online like this or other articles, or even through talking to people doing the same thing as you is a great way to do it.

We can also look up more effective ways to do what we’re already doing, such as perfecting form for certain exercises or slight adaptations to make them even more effective! Even picking up tips on staying safe and exercising with the correct techniques and consistency is vital in the long run.


Planning workouts ahead of time can actually take us further than a workout too. It gives you the time to realise when you’re most likely to be successful. Morning person? Make the time before work! Night owl? Why not go later in the evening? You know when you work best, and you can make sure you aren’t wasting time by trying to push yourself in a weak area. Play to your strengths where you can! Even the length of your workout needs to suit your goals. It all has a big impact.

Using time to plan a workout also helps keep track of what we have been able to achieve. That’s great for progression and motivation. You can see how long your goal is taking you and what is realistic to expect next time. You can even work out when best to eat and when to sleep to maximise results. Planning ahead really is a great habit to get into.

Overall, planning your workouts and your health, in general, is just a smart thing to do. Don’t over plan since surprises do still happen and things do change, but a good system in place will definitely help you progress. On top of that, you’ll need to update your plans every once in a while as well.

Find a way to organise yourself that works best for you, and go from there! Everyone is different at the end of the day.

Before beginning any exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician, doctor or other professional. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained using our advice.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or any other abnormal symptoms, stop the workout at once and consult a physician or doctor immediately.
