Fitness & Equipment Guides > Ultimate Treadmill Buying Guide

Ultimate Treadmill Buying Guide

10th Jun 19

Are you looking for the ultimate treadmill buying guide? Then, you’ve come to the right place.

A treadmill is an excellent investment for your health and fitness journey and a great addition to your home gym. But shopping for a treadmill can be overwhelming, especially when there are so many aspects and features to consider: size, motor, programs, folding or non-folding? Don’t worry – our ultimate treadmill buying guide will break things down and help you to decide on the best product for you.

Want to move fast? Jump to the right section below.

  1. What Are Your Health & Fitness Goals?
  2. Budget
  3. Space
  4. Motor
  5. Deck size
  6. Maximum weight
  7. Speed
  8. Cushioning
  9. Console and features
  10. Recommendations

What Are Your Health & Fitness Goals?

woman running on incline treadmill

Before you delve any further into our ultimate treadmill buying guide, you need to think about your long-term fitness goals. These goals will influence the type of treadmill you choose. For example, if you are looking to power walk a few times per week, there is no need for you to invest in a treadmill with a powerful 4.0 HP motor.

Your fitness goals will vary, but we’ve mentioned some common ones below. These influence the treadmill you choose for your home gym:

  • Weight loss
  • Toning
  • Training for a marathon
  • Recovery

Treadmills are a great piece of equipment for cardio exercise, and, as we know, cardio is great for weight loss. In addition, you can shake up your training to include workout styles such as HIIT to make sure that you are as effective as possible. Why not try our HIIT Treadmill workout.

A treadmill can also be great for toning your muscles, especially if it comes with an incline function. You should also be able to alternate between running and power walking easily.

It goes without saying that a treadmill is a useful piece of equipment if you’re training for a marathon. It will allow you to get invaluable training time from the comfort of your own home. Whatever the weather or the time of day, you can squeeze in a run to contribute towards your marathon goal.

Treadmills are also particularly useful for those in recovery. If you are getting back into exercise following illness, an operation or pregnancy, a treadmill provides plenty of scope in a safe environment.

If you are looking to use the treadmill a few times per week, interchanging power walking and light running, you could invest in a treadmill with fewer specifications. However, if you take your training seriously, you might look to spend around £1000 for a top-quality unit.

So now that you’ve thought about your long term goals, it’s time to consider the next points of our ultimate treadmill buying guide…


treadmill buying guide home gym with treadmill

Treadmills are an investment in every sense of the word. Note that the more affordable the treadmill is, the fewer features it will have. This, of course, is ideal for someone looking to use their treadmill lightly and get some extra steps in. But if you are a serious runner, it is worth investing more into your equipment.


When it comes to home gym equipment, treadmills are renowned for being on the bulkier side. You need to make sure that you have already picked out the necessary space and that your future unit will fit. Make sure to take measurements of the space and then look at the technical details of the treadmill you would like to buy – it should come with the sizes included!

Fortunately for you, a lot of home treadmills can be folded. So, at the end of your workout, you can safely store the treadmill away so that it doesn’t take up too much space.


A more advanced motor means that the treadmill will be quieter and will withstand higher speed limits. Therefore, it is crucial to determine how you would like to use your treadmill.

If your workout will mostly consist of walking or power walking on a treadmill, a motor of 2.5HP will do just fine. A motor of 3.0HP can handle both walking and jogging. But if you are a dedicated runner and you want your treadmill to keep up with you, then you should invest in a more powerful unit of 3.5HP or above.

Deck size

The deck size determines how comfortable running on a treadmill will be. The average size of a running deck is approximately 20” x 55”, which is perfect if you are of average height as well. However, if you are on the tall side, you might want to consider getting a wider treadmill, as it will allow plenty of space for running. In that case, treadmills will offer a running deck size of 22” x 60”.

If you don’t require a wide running belt and space is tight at home, there are a lot of treadmills that come at 18” x 51” inches. Most of the time, these will also be foldable.

Maximum weight

Ensure you choose a treadmill that supports a weight considerably higher than yours. This way, you can make sure that the equipment will be as sturdy as possible. It is also worth noting that a treadmill with a higher maximum weight will be much sturdier and quieter.


Depending on what kind of performance you want to achieve with your treadmill, speed could be considered. More affordable treadmills will usually cap out at around 12mph, though there are models that can go up to 15mph and even 20mph.

If you are serious about running and challenging yourself, you will need a treadmill that can keep up with you. A high-end model will allow you to go up to 20mph or even 22mph.


When it comes to running safety, the cushioning on your belt is crucial. If you prefer real-life running conditions and you would rather run on a hard surface, you can go for a treadmill with a standard running belt. However, if you want to protect your knees, you should invest in an at-home treadmill that comes with a 2-ply running belt and some sort of shock-absorption system.

Console & Features

A treadmill’s console will usually present a variety of information about your workout and your body: your speed, the distance you have run, the program you chose to run to, your heart rate, the calories burned and so on. Some even come with Bluetooth connectivity so that you can sync up all this information to your devices and keep track of your progress. Of course, this kind of feature comes with a price increase.


And there it is, the ultimate treadmill buying guide. Luckily for you, there is a treadmill for pretty much everyone, from the beginner who only wants to get some steps into the serious runner training for a marathon. Be sure to take a look at our range of treadmills for your home gym… and happy running!

Before beginning any exercise or nutrition program, consult your physician, doctor or other professional. This is especially important for individuals over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems. assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained using our advice.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pain, or any other abnormal symptoms, stop the workout at once and consult a physician or doctor immediately.
